The Warehouse

Possibilities are endless when God's timing and direction bring clarity to what has been cloudy. There is one possibility, although still a little cloudy, still in the works, that cannot be accomplished without God moving in the hearts and minds of His people. Forest Lake Church has a unique opportunity to see and empty shell of a warehouse become a house of worship. A place to bring people together to praise God, connect to one another, pray and play together as one body and open the doors and invite our community to join us. Also the unique opportunity to partner with Forest Lake Academy and their students along with community pastors having a place to connect to their students during the school week in a meeting place that is welcoming and beautiful. So we ask for each of you who are reading this to pray about two things:

  • Where is God calling you to serve as a part of the body of Christ in your local church?

  • What can I sacrifice in my life to financially support the warehouse project?

Will you pray about both questions? The answer to the first question is the heart behind the answer to the second question. If you already serve in a ministry capacity at the church please explore as a family or individual what you would be willing to sacrifice to help this project become a reality.

Sacrificial Generosity

No one or nothing in this world can guilt you into donating hard earned dollars which is not your money anyway. We are stewards (managers) of God's blessings that he lavishes upon us with increasing generosity. So no arm twisting right (wink-wink)! This is an intimate conversation between you and God and if He moves your heart then give to the capacity he calls you to give. Don't hold back. It's a faith journey when it comes to making a decision to give sacrificially generously.